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Violet, Child Abuse

Name: Violet Hudson
Research Paper Topic: Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse and Neglect

Have you ever said, “I hate my life,” or, “My life stinks”?  Maybe you don’t know how hard some kids have it.  In this paper, I will define child abuse, describe the causes, explain what is currently being done, and share what I plan to do to help.

There are many different definitions for child abuse and neglect.  It is basicly the physical, sexual, emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child by his or her parent, guardian, or other adult, although there is no official definition.  There are four main types of child abuse, which are physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect.  Physical abuse involves the harm or injury of a child.  It isn’t always on purpose.  Some people might even call it severe discipline, such as hitting the child with a belt.  It can be defined as inappropriate physical punishment.  Some examples of physical abuse are severe beatings, burns, and strangulation, overall any action that may hurt a child.  Some abusers don’t realize how easily children can be hurt, and they don’t know what they are doing to their child.  Emotional abuse is constant belittling, shaming, or humiliating.  It can be calling names and making mean comparisons to others.  It can also be telling a child they are “No good’, “Worthless”, or “A mistake”.  It can be frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying.  Ignoring the child as a punishment, or giving them the cold shoulder are also forms of emotional abuse.  Emotionally abused children may not get many hugs or kisses.  Emotional abuse can be exposing the child to violence or the abuse of others, such as a parent, sibling, or even a pet.  During emotional abuse, the abuser is like a bully, doing or saying things to make the child feel bad about themselves.  When the child’s needs are ignored is a sign of emotional abuse.  Then there is sexual abuse, which is when a child is involved in a sexual act or situation.  It is any sexual activity between a child and its caregiver.  This form of abuse is especially complicated because of its layers of shame and guilt.  Sexual abuse doesn’t always involve body contact.  Exposing the child to sexual material or situations is still sexual abuse.  Oddly enough, most of the time the abuser is someone the child trusts, such as a close relative.  Boys and girls are both abused this way.  Finally, there is neglect.  This is a very common type of abuse.  It is the failure to provide the child’s needs when you are able to.  These needs include hygiene, food, clothing, shelter, health care, education, and supervision.  Neglect is not always easy to spot. 

There are many different theories for the reasons of child abuse, and the beliefs have changed throughout the years.  In the past, scientists thought that only parents with severe emotional problems would ever abuse their children. They have discovered that most abusers are free of any illness.   The abuser may be formerly abused, and they may not know any other way to parent.  The abuser may be dealing with a mental health problem or a substance abuse problem.  Neglect may be because the parent is physically or mentally unable to care for the child, such as having a serious injury, untreated depression, or anxiety.  Alcohol or drug abuse may dangerously impair a parent’s judgment.  Physical abuse may be because the parent thinks that they are just keeping their child “in line”, and they don’t realize what their actions are doing.  Some parents don’t have the education or never learned the skills for good parenting.  Some parents don’t have any support from their community, friends, or even family.  Parenting can be especially hard when the child has an illness, special needs, behavior problems or is perceived as different.  Family hardships may also contribute.  A cause of sexual abuse may be pedophilia, which is the attraction of adults towards children. 

Many people are stepping in to help children that suffer from child abuse.  There are many parent support programs.  There are also foster homes.  All states have their own reporting, juvenile and family, and criminal laws.

There are many different ways I can help, but I’ve chosen one.  I will collect all the donations that I can and will donate the money to the Friendship Home.

You have just read about child abuse, what the causes are, what others are doing, and what I plan to do to help.  You do not need to help every abused child in the world, but helping just one can make a difference.




Works Cited

The Columbia Encyclopedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

World Book Student. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

Smith, Melinda, M. A, and Jeanne Segal. “Child Abuse and Neglect.”, n.d. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. <>.

Parks and Recreation. Print.

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