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Make a Difference



Any act

BIG or small

can make a difference

in someone’s life.


The generosity of a jacket

that has become a bit too snug

can embrace a homeless soul

shielding him from

harsh winter nights

and the bitter bite of the wind.


The donation of a pair of shoes,

outdated and no longer considered “cool”

can provide protection to

tender feet exposed to the tough

terrain of the unforgiving streets.


The caring contribution

of a few coins

can help purchase a meal

and stop the pangs

of hunger that halt daily life and

haunt a child’s existence

day and night.


A kind word

can soothe the beaten soul

of of bullied victim

temporarily numbing the torment that

tortures them day in and day out

and demeans their very being.


A smile or simple gesture

of generosity can momentarily

erase the madness

of a stranger’s day helping

them to feel warmth and realize that

a ray of sunshine can seep through

even on the cloudiest of days.



just remember...

Any act BIG or small

can make a difference

in someone’s life.


by Kim Ridder

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